RawDigger 0.9.15

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New functionality and major improvements

  • Data conversion while saving the table of measurements:
    • The table for flat field calculation can be saved
    • Normalization using the saved table for flat field calculation can be applied.
    • White balance calculation for a user-selected patch can be performed.
    • Normalization based on user-selected brightest patch and gamma compensation can be applied.
  • Non-compressed NEFs for Nikon D5100 and D7000 cameras are supported (this mode is available with hacked camera firmware).
  • Windows/32bit: RawDigger executable is marked as compatible with "large address space":
    • for 64 bit Windows it can use up to 4GB RAM
    • for 32 bit Windows if started with /3GB parameter it can use up to 3GB RAM

    As a result 32 bit version can now render RGB for a file of up to 80 megapixels (for /3GB mode)
    Details about /3GB mode enabling: Enabling 3GB switch on Windows Vista , Windows 7 or Windows XP (on Autodesk site).

Bugs fixed:

  • Fixed over- and under-exposure statistics for RAW files recorded by 16 bit digital backs
  • Fixed partial disappearance of the file select dialogue while saving Samples, Histogram, and table data for histograms.

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