RawDigger 1.0.5

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New Features

  • New Sony processing mode
    Preferences - Data Processing - Sony ARW2 processing options - Delta step relative to value
    This mode is to display the ratio of the minimum delta step to the pixel value. For those image areas where this ratio is large and the contrasty details do not exist (like it is in the sky) the normally processed image may exhibit visible posterization. The values are displayed in per mil (a tenth of percent, or one per thousand).
    See details in our RawDigger: detecting posterization in SONY cRAW/ARW2 files article.
    • Additional setting
      Ignore shadows below level NN
      Delta step relative to value mode necessarily highlights all the shadow areas in the image because the minimum step in raw for shadows is relatively large - with minimum step value of 2 for the pixel value of 64 the step is equal to 3%. This setting allows to switch off that (usually unnecessary) shadow highlighting.
  • Support for .EIP CaptureOne files
  • Exiftool updated to 9.54
  • LibRaw updated:
    Support for Fujifilm S1 and Nikon D4s (small size NEFs are currently not supported)
  • New sorting for RAW extensions in Open file dialogue, old and uncommon file extensions are now in the end of the list.
    This is to get around of the limitations imposed by older versions of Windows that impose a limit on the length of the extension list.
    User-defined extensions are now placed at the head of the list instead of appending to the tail.

Bugs fixed

  • Libraw updated: shutter speed for Sigma SD9 and SD10 cameras is now displayed correctly.
  • Incompatibilities with activating RawDigger when running both 32- and 64- bit versions of the program in Windows 64-bit environment are fixed.

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