RawDigger 1.1.0

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  • for 3-channel and 1-channel raw data only 3-channel and 1-channel histograms are displayed, correspondingly. Empty histogram windows for non-existing channels are not displayed now.
  • additional settings to control the display of 4-channel histograms for Bayer RGBG raw data (Preferences - 'Histograms' - "Histogram for RGBG bayer images"):
    • Display G1 and G2 - to display 4 histograms
    • G1 only - to display 3 histograms, using R, G1, and B channel data
    • Average G1 and G2 - to display 3 histograms, using R channel data, averaged G1 and G2 data, and B channel data:
      • histogram bins are averaged between G1 and G2 channels
      • Channel statistics:
        • Min/Max - minimum and maximum values, correspondingly
        • Values (number of repeating values) - maximum between the channels
        • Pixels - average between the channels
  • New option for vertical scaling, Square root; resulting histogram is less spiky compared to linear scaling, but less flat compared to logarithmic scaling.
  • In addition to checkboxes, active regions to control histogram display now include the mode labels too, so the modes can be switched also by clicking on the labels themselves.
  • New Histograms tab in Preferences:
    • moved setting: Histogram Scale setting (moved from Display tab)
    • moved setting: Remember scale ranges (formerly Remember last used Histogram settings on the Misc tab)
  • new setting: Set histogram EV0 by with 2 choices:
    • Current frame data: EV0 will be set 3 stops below the maximum for the current frame rounded up to the next power of two
    • Camera data range: EV0 will be set relative to the theoretical maximum for the camera rounded up to the next power of two; this setting is meant to facilitate the comparison of underexposed and normally exposed frames from the same camera, because now the maximum and EV0 value do not depend on the exposure.
  • EV grid step controls are available when automatic selection of EV0 is turned on.
  • A bug causing the parameters of the vertical axis of the histogram not to be always properly restored in Remember scale ranges mode is fixed.
  • Minimum bin size for autoscaling of X axis of histogram in EV-scale mode is set to 1/48 EV.
  • Support (non-automatic) for display of histograms on HiDPI (Retina) monitors. The option is switched on manually with the help of the following settings:
    • HiDPI histogram window mode (for HiDPI screens) - doubles the resolution for the histogram window
    • High resolution histogram PNG export - to double the size of the histogram image when exporting to PNG format, effectively doubling the resolution of the output.
  • (Windows only) The setting Histogram windows always on top of main window - switches on the mode when the histogram windows are displayed on top of the main program window. If this mode is on, histogram windows are not displayed as separate in the taskbar.
  • New setting Additional data in histogram title bar to select the data to be displayed on the title bar of the histogram window. Chices include "exposure" data (shutter speed, aperture, ISO speed), camera model, both, or none.
  • Histogram settings (axes ranges, type of vertical scaling) are memorized also when closing the histogram window, not only when those settings are changed. Thus, the settings for the last closed histogram window will be active upon opening a new histogram window.
  • Bug fixed: for OS X, horizontal grid divisions were not displayed

Minor changes

  • In certain cases, faster program start.
  • Misc - Remember OvExp/UnExp checkbox settings is now moved to Over/Under Exposure tab.
  • For CGATS export, black levels are listed per channel.
  • For cameras made by Sony, Canon, and Nikon ISO speed above 64000 is indicated correctly.
  • Exiftool is updated to version 9.70.
  • Support for new cameras:
    • Blackmagic Production Camera 4k
    • Kodak S-1
    • Olympus E-PL7
    • Sony A5100

1 Comment

Superb software

An absolutely required tool for any photograph interested to understand what is happening under the hood. A must.

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