RawDigger 1.1.5

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Changes/New features

  • Restoring the positions of program windows: before restoring the position of a window position check is performed for every window (main program window, table with sample data / measurements, histogram windows) to ensure window visibility for current monitor configuration, and that at least the title bar of a window is visible
  • OS X 10.10: support for new Drag'n'Drop API (file://.id=)
  • File export dialogue is reworked to address those rare cases when it causes program crash under OS X
  • Exiftool updated to version 9.95
  • Support for the following cameras is added:
    • Canon: 750D, 760D, M2, M3
    • Leica: Monochrom (Typ 246)
    • Nikon: J5
    • Olympus: SH-2, TG-4


Linux Port

You need any help doing a Linux port?

Ever, or for the time being?

Ever, or for the time being?

If it’s any factor in the decision, nowadays Flatpak may make distribution more practical.

For me, RawDigger works just

For me, RawDigger works just fine in Wine environment.

Best regards,
Iliah Borg

tiff file

RawDigger will not open a tiff file produced by dcraw. I have added *.tiff as additional file extension in Preferences. Is this normal behavior?

RawDigger 1.x works only with

RawDigger 1.x works only with RAW files from digital cameras.

'common' TIFF and JPG support is planned for 2.0 release.

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