Submitted by PhotoMan on
I have two DNG photos that i take from different phones when opening in rawdirgger it only shows RGB channel not G2 channel, is it a bug?
Submitted by PhotoMan on
I have two DNG photos that i take from different phones when opening in rawdirgger it only shows RGB channel not G2 channel, is it a bug?
Is G2 channel present in raw
Submitted by LibRaw on
Is G2 channel present in raw data, or is it a linear DNG?
Inside Sony ARW there are 4
Submitted by PhotoMan on
Inside Sony ARW there are 4 channels available. i don't know the specifics.
Could you please provide DNG
Submitted by lexa on
Could you please provide DNG file(s) for inspection?
Please use any file sharing service and send the link to
Submitted by PhotoMan on
Galaxy S7 DNG shows G2 channel all other ones only show RGB and no G2 channel.
Thank you for the samples.
Submitted by lexa on
Thank you for the samples.
Please change Preferences - Data Processing - Vendor Specific - (DNG files section) - Apply DNG Opcodes to Stage 1 or Stage 1& 2
Stage 3 opcodes are applied on demosaiced image (so converted from RGBG2 bayer to RGB-linear)
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