color space influence on RAW data


Please explain how the color space I set in the camera influence the RAW data. I shoot with Nikon D700 in Adobe RGB. When I open my RAW files in RawDigger I see dull RGB images and histograms different from those shown in the raw converter. I use the camera maker's Nikon Capture NX2 raw converter. Does it mean that RawDigger shows histograms of the actual raw data produced by the in-camera digital-analogue converter (no color space encoding), and Nikon Capture NX2 shows data encoded with Adobe RGB color space? And what does the RGB image of a RAW file actually shows in RawDigger? Is it some sort of approximation or the Adobe RGB color space encoded data, but with no corrections which may be made by the camera defaults and are read by the raw converter I use, but cannot be read by RawDigger and so RawDigegr shows a dull image?

Thanks and regards,

> how the color space I set

> how the color space I set in the camera influence the RAW data

It does not. In-camera histograms, however, are computed from out-of-camera jpegs, and depend on the colour space you've set. Generally histograms are more useful when the camera is set to Adobe RGB. If you set your exposure based on the histogram, the choice of colour space affecting the histogram also affects your exposure decision and hence affect the raw data.

> RawDigger shows histograms of the actual raw data produced by the in-camera digital-analogue converter

Yes, quite so.

> what does the RGB image of a RAW file actually shows in RawDigger

t is pretty much unprocessed raw data, not converted to any particular colour space.

Best regards,
Iliah Borg

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Does the 2x2 pixel checkbox indicate simple demosaicing similar to dcraw -h switch?
What are the main characteristics of PhaseOne postprocessing?

Thanks a lot for this fabulous piece of software!

In 2x2 mode the value of one

In 2x2 mode the value of one (e.g. Red) pixel is propagated to all 4 pixels in 2x2 box. The green channels are averaged in this mode.

The 'PhaseOne postprocessing' is applying metadata stored in PhaseOne EXIF blocks to image (bad pixels and so on)

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